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Modern Slavery in the News: Peaceful Protest

Modern slavery has been a key focus in the news recently since CNN released footage of men being sold in a modern-day slave trade in Libya. Referred to as 'merchandise' the men that were being sold for less than $400 into slavery were migrants and refugees. There have been various reports about the global slave trade on recent news but this was the first time any footage has been released, showing what appears to be a slave auction.

People have responded to the video with outrage all around the globe. A petition has been formed in order to put pressure on the Government to stop enslavement of Africans in Libya. The petition has already got over 250,000 signatures and has been increasing in numbers daily. CNN's investigation has also received international attention due to celebrities sharing their opinion on the matter and the issue widely shared on social media platforms.

One organisation called Afrian Lives Matter have planned a peaceful protest march in London. This will take place this Saturday 9th December where people will join together to march to the Libyan embassy in an attempt to protest against 'the enslaving and selling of black Africans in Libya.'

As a part of my project I will going to London to film the march and speak to the people protesting to find out their personal reasons for wanting to be involved. It will be interesting to find out whether people fear that this culture could be affecting people in Britain or what changes they want to be made and how as a country we are able to help. The likely to be hostile environment of a protest will fully encompass the feelings people have in the UK about the issue of modern slavery and the ways in which they are willing to fight to eradicate international slavery.

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